This year Scott installed the latest in data capture technology.

Blog by Jeff Linn, Spectrum Distribution and Sales Lead

Genetic research is an integral part of what we do at Spectrum Premium Non-GMO. Scott Johnson heads up our research program, and it is no small task. Spectrum Research is producing 1,500 new non-GMO hybrid crossing blocks which will go into their initial testing phase beginning 2018. Hybrids are tested for multiple years to make sure all aspects of performance are studied and recorded before they get the opportunity to become a part of our seed line up.

Planting this year was a bit difficult, but unlike most situations you typically get one shot to get it right when putting line development nurseries in. Pollination for our nursery and new hybrid test blocks is done by hand and was completed on 8/25/17, about 2 weeks later than normal. Harvest for the ultra early lines began in late August/early September.

Along with hybrid crossing blocks, we strive to test our line up all over the Mid-West to ensure that we have the most up-to-date data on performance for all of our 24 hybrids. We have over 50 testing locations spread out from as far north as North Dakota all the way down to Kentucky. During the growing season, drone images are taken along with research notes. This is one piece of how we set the ratings on each hybrid. As the season progresses and harvest begins, Scott manages all of the information that is collected from each test site. This year Scott installed the latest in data capture technology: HarvestMaster H2. By having this technology our research team will have unmatched plot weight, moisture, and test weight data accuracy. If all goes well, he hopes to get started on plot harvest around the last week of September. Indications so far seem to point to the later planted corn as possibly having the highest yield potential.

The Spectrum Research team works tirelessly to make sure that our lineup is built on a foundation of the best genetics available. It’s their effort and hard work that continues to put us on the forefront of top of the line hybrids with outstanding performance. We will continue to strive to put out the most complete non-GMO hybrid line up every year because that’s what we are…Non-GMO On Purpose.


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