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The USDA announced total ag exports were up $10.9 billion from the previous year. Exports are responsible for 20 percent of U.S. farm income, also driving rural economic activity and supporting more than one million American jobs both on and off the farm.

Click here to read more.

As more talks begin, presidential threat to withdraw from NAFTA continues to cast shadow over agribusinesses

Agriculture industry leaders are increasingly worried that some of the biggest export markets they depend on are at risk, as another round of talks gets underway in the Trump administration’s heated push to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement. An end to free trade with Canada and Mexico, two of the United States’ top markets for ag products, would depress prices significantly, ag leaders say. That would come at a time U.S. farmers already are facing low prices and are pushing to expand international markets for their glut of grain.

Click here to read more.

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