Hybrid 6793


  1. Good option for continuous corn acres
  2. Ideal for silage applications
  3. Presents a lengthy flex-style ear
  4. Great choice for silage acres
  5. Super impressive test weight potential

117 RM

6793 is a standout in the fuller season window that is ideal for your Non-GMO program if you are planting in the 115 and higher relative maturity zone. A few things to think about as you consider this product:

  • This is a 117-day hybrid and will be ideal if you can accommodate the fuller season schedule
  • 6793 will perform well on continuous corn acres if that is relevant to any of your farms that you are managing
  • In research, 6793 consistently delivered high test weights and great grain quality
  • And 6793 presents a lengthy flex-style ear and has impressive late season intactness

You can learn more about 6793 or any of our other products by contacting our agronomy center!


Early Vigor7
Stalk Strength9
Root Strength8
Drought Tolerance7
Clay Soils9
Sandy Soils8
Narrow Rows8
Corn after Corn9
Plant HeightM-T
Ear TypeFL
Test Weight9
PLANT HEALTHNorthern Leaf Blight8
Gray Leaf Spot8
Goss’s Wilt7
Fungicide Response8

Rating Scale: 9 is best

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